Pitter Patter Pets Services



Prices vary based on distance and number of pets

Drop Ins

$30+ per visit

Prices vary based on distance and number of pets

Holiday Rate


Applied to the day of holiday

Multiple Pets


Per additional pet

Let’s Go For A Walk


Minimum 30 minute walk

Medication Administration

$1 per pill administered orally

Does not include medications administered in food or treats

Nail Trim


Prices vary depending on temperament and additional pets

Basic Bath


Prices vary depending on size, temperament, and additional pets

Plant Watering


I’ll even talk to them too!

Ear Cleaning


Prices vary depending on temperament and additional pets

Cleaning Litterbox

$25 for full box cleanout

Daily scooping included with Sleepover or Drop in

Canine Chauffer

$50 minimum

Pricing is purr one way trip depending on distance


To be quoted

Prices vary depending on duties

Frequently Asked Questions

How will my pet get the attention I want when you are caring for other pets?

I schedule my day ahead of time to incorporate all my furry friends into the appropriate time slots and I take precautions to ensure that I do not overbook my day. Communication between myself and the pet’s people is a large part of those precautions.

What is the difference between a drop in and a walk?

A drop in is a 30 minute visit for a potty break, interacting with your pet, and of course some treats. A walk is a one hour leash walk through your neighborhood, treats still included.

What are the rates of your services?

Rates can vary based on number of pets, temperament, and distance. Please see services page for general rates and please contact us to discuss your special circumstances.

What happens if my pet is hurt while they are in your care?

We are fully licensed and insured in case of this exact situation. While we will do everything we can to make sure this does not happen, we know that accidents are a part of life and are prepared for that just in case.

Are you licensed and insured?

Yes we are!!

What areas do you serve?

We service Chattanooga, Cleveland, Ooltewah, and surrounding areas.

What types of pets do you work with?

Primarily dogs and cats, we specialize in senior dogs and cats as well as special needs pets. We will also take care of your birds, chickens, and goats. For any specific pet requests please call us at (423) 207-2790

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